Class Schedule

Basic Skills

Basic skills are appropriate for puppies and newly adopted dogs of any age. Classes are held weeknight evenings, Saturday and Sunday during the day. Fee is $170 for six one-hour sessions.

I try to group dogs by age / skills when possible. This allows each class to focus on common behavior challenges for that age group. Tuesday evenings are reserved for puppies younger than 5 months and include brief play sessions when appropriate. At least one weekend class is also dedicated to young puppies.

All classes are open enrollment so new dogs can join when an open spot is available. Even though classes are “no penalty” – meaning you do not forfeit a session because of an absence – they are not meant to be drop in whenever you feel like it. While life often conspires to divert our plans, the most successful participants have been those who were consistent with their training.

Contact me directly for class availability and how to register.

Canine Good Citizen Prep
Intro to Dog Parkour
all offered on request by contacting Roxanne at

All group classes are 6 weeks for $170. All group classes are open enrollment, no-forfeit, no refunds. This is a pain-free training environment, because learning shouldn’t hurt.